Having a wedding or event at the Ballard Convention Center?
Add your photos and event information by simply filling in this form and including photographs. We will do the rest.
WEDDINGS: Send us a couple of photos and your announcement information to publish in our news section.
VENDORS: Send us information on events that you provided services for at the Ballard Center and include your contact information.
1. Your upcoming or past event must have been scheduled with a signed contract to announce it here. *Note: Vendors you can also send us photos of past or upcoming events with your contact information for publication.
2. Photos can be no more than 4MB in size each.
3. All information will be reviewed for content and to ensure photographs were taken during an event at our facility.
4. We reserve the right to not publish information that does not conform to our corporate policy and/or our rental agreement.
5. By submitting your information you are agreeing that the Ballard Convention Center may utilize the photos and information for publication on our website or on any other advertising venue.
Dana D. Brown, MA Executive Director

Thank you for sending us your information.
Dana D Brown, MA Executive Director